Features EduPlus Live Class Zoom Google Meet
White Labelled App ✓ White-label App for your classes ✘ No option availabe ✘ No option availabe
Unique ID Login ✓ One student can access through one single email id everytime ✘ Student can login with different emails everytime ✘ Student can login with different emails everytim
Course Selling ✓ Course subscription is availabe ✘ No option availabe ✘ No option availabe
Free/Demo/Paid Classes ✓ Options availabe ✘ No option availabe ✘ No option availabe
Discussion Forum & Chat ✓ Both are availabe ✘ Only chat is availabe ✘ Only chat is availabe
Screen Sharing ✓ Available ✓ Available ✓ Available
Recorded Lectures ✓ Available within the app and secured ✘ Can be shared anyone outside the organization ✘ Can be shared anyone outside the organization
Student can record ✓ Student cannot record Live classes ✘ Student can record any meeting ✘ Student can record any meeting
Faculty can record ✓ Only Faculty can record Classes ✘ Student and Faculty can record any meeting ✘ Student and Faculty can record any meeting
Schedule Classes ✓ Available ✓ Available ✓ Available
Subscription-based Users access ✓ Only the users who purchased the course can access ✘ Anyone outside the organization can attend classes ✘ Anyone outside the organization can attend classes
Branded Platform ✓ Available ✘ Not availabe ✘ Not availabe
Platform Android/iOS/Windows/MacOS Android/iOS/Web Android/iOS/Web

Technology for Everyone

With access to Eduplus, it is possible to make high-quality education available at a reduced cost. Learners get materials on time and improve their learning capabilities.

Eduplus provide both systematic and smart learning. It is arranged systematically that it becomes possible for students to go with the flow. These days, students are generally very fond of online studying. This is where library apps and book search apps come into the picture. Eduplus make it easy for the students to search for the appropriate study material in the mobile application. It keeps them closer to the study material and helps them in segregating their studying materials over the web.

Students can learn 24/7

With access to Eduplus, it is possible to make high-quality education available at a reduced cost. Learners get materials on time and improve their learning capabilities.

The best thing about Eduplus is available for students 24/7 and they can learn at any convenient time. You do not have to worry about the schedules. Even if you have any queries or confusions related to the subject, you can get in touch with your tutors and teachers at Eduplus.